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Ter[g]el was born from the deep desire to be a major player in a more frugal fashion.

A more responsible fashion, more sustainable, a more human fashion. We are the link between nomads and the world, between tradition and modernity. 

  We are the guarantors of a long tradition.


At ter[g]el, we believe in the quality of this exceptional and rare fiber that is Yak wool, called "khuvuur".

We know that with the know-how of our garment makers and the work of the breeders, we can create pieces of incomparable and lasting quality.




The brand was created by Tergel Gerelt in 2021.

Tergel was born and raised in Ulaanbaatar before coming to live in France 20 years ago. Wishing to share and pass on part of her culture, it is in this spirit of transmission that ter[g]el.  was born.

Through its pieces, ter[g]el offers a line of clothing with an identity through style. A sleek, assertive and unique style . All pieces are created in Paris by Tergel and proudly made in Mongolia by our incredible designers.


Consider your purchases, love your choices, buy quality and consume less.

Tergel Gerelt

Creator of ter[g]el style house 

Expert in wool and yak down

Tergel s'impose comme la référence incontournable du luxe en yakshmere, offrant des créations d'une rare élégance et d'une qualité inégalée. Nous sélectionnons avec soin une matière première d’exception, issue de sources éthiques et durables, respectant les traditions ancestrales et la nature. Notre positionnement haut de gamme repose sur un engagement fort : célébrer l'artisanat authentique, préserver l'environnement et respecter profondément les animaux. Chez Tergel, chaque création est une ode à l'excellence et à la durabilité.


Our innovation approach at Tergel is based on our commitment to pushing the boundaries of excellence in the yak wool industry, offering products that combine ecology, softness and incomparable luxury. While cashmere is widely available on the market, we differentiate ourselves by highlighting the unique characteristics of yak wool, which offers a sustainable and exclusive alternative.


Ecological comparison is a central aspect of our approach. Unlike some cashmere production practices that can be harmful to the environment, yak wool comes from a natural and renewable source. Our production methods respect the ecological balance of the region and contribute to preserving the fragile ecosystems of the Mongolian steppes.


When it comes to material quality, we stand out for our commitment to excellence. Yak wool is renowned for its exceptional softness and warmth, providing a luxurious sensory experience to our customers. In addition, its rarity and exclusivity make it a popular choice for those looking for unique and high-end products.


Our business approach is also centered on these values. We emphasize the quality, sustainability, rarity and exclusivity of our products, emphasizing the importance of ethical provenance and traceability. With only about one million yaks in Mongolia unlike its neighboring goats 26 million that produce cashmere, our production is naturally limited, which gives our products an additional exclusivity.


Finally, our identity is rooted in simplicity, elegance and timelessness. The natural colours and clean cuts of our products embody our commitment to a classic and enduring aesthetic that transcends fleeting trends.


In summary, our innovation approach at Tergel is based on our commitment to the ecology, quality, rarity and exclusivity of yak wool, thus offering a luxurious and sustainable alternative to the more common cashmere on the market.


Our expertise in manufacturing yak wool products is based on a holistic and sustainable approach, where we control every step of the supply chain, from raw material collection to the final product. We have established close partnerships with just four family-run businesses, enabling us to guarantee unrivalled quality and traceability in all our operations.


We start our process by working directly with local cooperatives who are in direct contact with the nomads responsible for collecting yak hair by brushing in the spring. This relationship ensures us a supply of the highest quality raw materials, while supporting local communities and preserving artisanal traditions.


Once the yak wool has been collected, we meticulously hand-sort the colors and qualities of the hair, followed by a rigorous washing stage, using only clear water to guarantee the purity and softness of the fibers. Then we move on to the spinning process, where our experienced craftsmen transform the wool into high-quality yarns.


Some of these yarns are then transformed into fabrics using traditional looms, producing remarkably fine warp and weft fabrics. Another part is destined for knitting to create a varied and elegant range of products.


We are proud to point out that our manufacturing process is entirely chemical-free, using only clear water to preserve the purity and durability of our products. What's more, we value waste reduction by transforming all fabric offcuts into accessories or supplying them to local artisans who make mattresses or felt, thus contributing to a circular and sustainable economy.


In short, our expertise in the manufacture of yak wool products is distinguished by our holistic approach, our control of every stage of the supply chain, our use of traditional and sustainable techniques, and our commitment to quality, authenticity and respect for the environment.


products of unrivalled quality and market rarity. As specialists in yak wool, we are committed to providing excellent quality products from sustainable and ethical sources. Our premium positioning is underpinned by our commitment to traditional craftsmanship, environmental sustainability and respect for animals.


We understand that the highest market positioning implies not only exceptional quality standards, but also attention to detail, a constant quest for innovation and a unique value proposition for our customers. This is reflected in our products, which combine traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design to create unique, timeless pieces.


When it comes to our product prices, we take a considered approach that reflects the exceptional quality of our products as well as the costs associated with the ethical and sustainable production of yak wool. While our prices may be positioned at the upper end of the market, our customers recognize the unparalleled value of our products and are willing to invest in items that combine luxury, sustainability and ethics.


In short, our high-end market positioning is underpinned by our commitment to quality, craftsmanship, sustainability and ethics, which is reflected in our product prices. 

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